The best! well it used to be
This is such a well executed app. Five stars! I love it so much! As a beginner the starter pack is more than enough for me right now, even so I dont really see why people are complaining about 99 cents for a recipe.They put so much effort into this app, they should be able to get something back for it.
EDIT: THERE IS A GIANT BUG IN THIS APP. FIX IT BEGORE YOU LOSE ANY MORE CUSTOMERS. I have had to delete and redownload this app 4 times now, that doesnt include all the recipes lost when doing so. I thought it was a storage issue but it isnt. This app just blanks out after a while and then you are left just staring at a wooden background screen and you cant do anything about it except redownload the whole app which is such a huge file, this is the only app I have ever had to so this for. And it is getting ridiculous, I have still left up two stars because when it works it really is the best and most beautiful app. Please fix it soon. I really loved this app, and that is why I havent given up on it. Ill be waiting to give this app the five stars it deserves then.
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